As I sit and nurse my beautiful children back to health... I can’t help but reflect on my life, where we are and where I feel the Lord has promised me we’d be... As a future wife, I also can’t help but wonder where my future husband‘s journey will take him too. In that, I ask myself if I’m anxious or if I’m truly hoping?

I’ve asked myself this so many times; so I needed to caption the question. Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner is the ideal human for you, but your environment, past, future and circumstances arent perfect? Have you ever really known what “they” mean for the first time ever when it’s said that relationships are work? Love is unconditional? You’ll be parenting beyond the age of 18?

Faith... the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of those things not yet seen. The yet is important! If you’re truly hoping, then you’re also expecting. If you’re truly expecting, then your also acting... because faith without works is dead!
Yeah... welcome to the reality of an imperfect life. There is so much going on in our world, that you can get caught up in believing life won’t change; history will repeat itself and/or that things will get worse. But we serve a God who says he protects his children. Are you a true believer? Are you truly a servant? Are you knowingly obedient to the word? Because IF you are, then you should have faith and a sense of peace in any storm.
We’re human, so what we should always do spiritually doesn’t always happen. I know, because I’m not perfect either :) So remember to self-check. You just need to stop, breathe and reflect on scripture when your humanity tries to get the best of you and when the devils work is too real to get past without the self-check.
With Love,
Shameria ♥️
